Saturday, 28 April 2007

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)

I'm going to tell you a true story, that my friend told me!! My friends friend Nelly was seeing this guy and she thought that she mite have caught something so naturally she went to the STI clinic, she had the tests done and was waiting for a call to see if she had caught anything. So the STI clinic called and she asked had she caught anything?? The STI clinic was said yes but your going to have to come down to the clinic, its not something we can discuss over the phone!! Shocked and worried Nelly went down expecting the worst naturally, once there she asked again what she had caught, the clinic said that before they can tell her they're going to have to call the police!! Nelly was wondering what the hell was going on so she asked again, what is it i have?!? The clinic said that the STI she had caught could only be caught off of dead people!! Nelly was shocked, angry and devastated... her boyfriend worked in a morgue!! Now that is just grimes!!! Not all visits to an STI clinic end like this one but it's enough to put you off sex for a bit!! With the increase of people, especially youngsters having casual and unprotected sex, there has been a rise in amount of STI's. As a result we are seeing more clinics opening around the country as well as new campaigns for people to use protection when having sex. Some of the things that can be caught are not only nasty but also life threatening; Chlamydia, Genital warts, Gonorrhoea, Genital herpes, NSU, Syphilis, Pubic lice, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B. For the sake of 'strapping it up' you can save a lot of embarrassment and pain as STI's are something not to be taken lightly!!


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