Tuesday 8 May 2007

Body Modification

Body Modification is a topic i have been recently thinking about as i am contemplating getting a Tattoo. I'm not the kind who would normally go for something of that sort but i saw a tattoo of a Gecko on TV and really wanted it. I'm thinking of getting it on my wrist, my only reservation are if i suddenly decide that i don't like it when its too late or find that it isn't appropriate for my field of work. I do acknowledge that there are many different types of body modification such as plastic surgery, piercings, cosmetic advancements amongst other things. everyone has some form of body modification as little changes to ones appearance such as cutting ones hair can be classed as a body modification. i don't have a problem with piercings tattoos, plastic surgery or anything like that but i do think that some people go to extremes. Any changes to one self are up to only that individual and what others may think of their change shouldn't be of the individuals concern.


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