Thursday, 10 May 2007

My comments on Other Blogs

  • Im suprised to hear that you were shocked to see just how much smoking is incorporated into films and television. When you think about it there are many charactors that have been charactorised through their smoking, as you mentioned Brad Pitt in 'Fight Club,' also Bruce Willis in 'Die Hard' and even Dot in 'Eastenders,' it just wouldnt be her with out a fag in her hand! I agree that when looking back with the attitudes we now hold toward smoking, it is weird to see the act of doing so portrayed in such a positive light!!
    19 March 2007 16:18
Lying with Integrity
  • I'm afriad i have to disagree with some of the points you have made reference to in your statement. I think lying is acceptable in most situations both for the benifit of yourself and others, only when someone is getting hurt or been hurt is lying wrong. You example of lying to someone, claiming you have no money when you have, i believe is a perfectly acceptable lie as you may not want to give neither can afford to lend or give away money, I.e. if a begger asks you for money you say no because you don't want to give them your hard earned cash!! Also the comment you made on lying to your children when one is going through the process of divorse i think is unacceptable. I believe that it is better that the child is told openly and made to understand the reasons behind their parents divorce as not doing so could lead the child to be in shock and later blame themselves for their parents seperation.
    30 April 2007 23:34
  • I strongly agree with the point you are making here, when it comes to serious crime like the one you've experienced, you are right in saying it does take a particular type of person to commit such a milicious act. I failed to mention this type of theft in my blog, but the act of stealing from others, I.e. muggings, credit fraud and theft of identity are among some of the worst kinds of theft as, as you mentioned it involves personal attacks on individuals. The experience you have shared has brought to light how easy it is to be subjected to such attacks!!
    30 April 2007 23:49
  • I agree with the point you are making, however I also believe that those that do shoplift do so due to more than a window of oppertunity. Many of those that turn to Shoplifting do so due to living in a state of 'relative poverty,' and therefore not being able to participate in society as others do. There is also the psychological aspect i.e. being able to get a rush from theft or oppiesing peer groups. Although I didnt mention some of these things in my blog, when looking at theft more in depth there are many aspects that can't be simply put down a 'window of oppertunity.
    19 March 2007 13:06
How Hard for Misbehaviour
  • I agree with your comments on smacking, i see no problem with it!! I too was smacked as a child and after meeting me, you can see im well mannered and an all round plesent person!! I do believe that parents have the right to smack their own children as a form of discipline. Children as they go through their development stages don't always understand why or if a cirtain action is wrong and often, just telling or explaining to them is enough. I don't agree with all out beating, but u know, a smack on the hand when their naughty or one on their arse when they've been really bad!! I was smacked as a child and im fine, and being an older brother i smack my younger sisters too... its called tuff love!!
    30 April 2007 17:18

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